Saturday, February 27, 2010

Something Different - A Theme Party

J & I had a busy day yesterday. Crazy busy. But it was good busy too.

Sun is rising at 6:30 these days… How do I know this? J rises promptly at 6:31. Mr. M & I are loving this… Seriously.  And it is only going to get better… By mid-summer, J will be waking up before or as I leave for work due to the sun & not because I dropped something on my way out the door.

I love that he is an early bird like me… We get so much done, and rarely look at the clock feeling like the day has been wasted.

We were up baking cookies I put together the night before, before 7. As a result we were in sugar overload by 9. Okay, so I was on overload. On exactly 1 cookie. Yes, they are that divine… The recipe includes 3 1/2 sticks of butter, before you start adding gobs of sugar.  J, he had more common sense than me, he took two bites & gave the rest to a certain drooly & begging 60lb puppy. Plus, I’m more responsible as a mom than I am as me… J had also had his morning milk, Nutra Grain breakfast bar, yogurt and applesauce. While I had only had water.  But all J's food consumption is why he floored me by going mini-pepperoni for mini-pepperoni with me as I made a mad dash to get my protein into my body. Yes, I’m in fear of what his teenage howl legs are going to be like.

We then went to a small mom’s group gathering. Taking with us a quarter of those wonderfully sweet Orange glaze Cinnabon cookies, which we thought were perfect for a brunch. Unfortunately, the brunch was cut short for us, as J had a meltdown over my telling him no to his desire to have a sucker.

Luckily the day improved when we joined friends for lunch & an “Orange” themed party. Why the color orange? Well, the mom hosting thought it sounded like fun… She did orange Kool-Aid, orange plates and napkins, carrots, and cheeses. The other mom brought orange Jell-O. As for me, well, I brought another quarter of the cookies. Being Orange glazed and all….

The kiddos had a wonderful afternoon, and I got some good mommy bonding. Best part, J got some pink time, after being with all blue this morning… Here’s some pics of J hanging with his girls…

I actually have some cute video of J dancing, but silly me – it is sideways and I don’t know how to rotate it… So, I’ll have to try and get him on film later this week… He is really into dancing with music…

Today we have his 2 year pictures, and then we will go see Grandma & Grandpa M. Taking with us, another quarter of those delicious cookies.  So I had better get going, as I know someone will be up with the sunrise, and I will no longer have a moment of peace…

Moments like yesterday remind me why my life is perfect. 

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