Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Wow... You are two today... I still recall every moment from the moment I woke up on the day you were born. Well, okay, I recall every moment, until they wheeled me into the post-op recovery room… 

See… I spent the last 6 weeks prior to your birth on bed rest. I monitored my blood pressure at least 3 times per day. I was in the hospital 2 times per week for non-stress tests plus a biophysical profile every Thursday, and we saw my OB every Friday.

Your Dad drove me to the hospital on the morning of your delivery, during which we talked about what we'd name you "if" you were a boy.  Had you been a girl, we had that name agreed upon.  (Sadly, I cannot recall that name)

You were born at 39 weeks 0 days by c-section. Saturday, February 9, 2008 @ 8:15 AM (right on schedule)
We promptly (okay at 3 months) showed you off to all our friends & family...
yes, it has been decorated with a train due to the public nature of  the blog.

Your first year was a whirlwind, and like the Prince you are, we celebrated it in a very Royal style.

This year's big highlights are:
- still very fond of your thumb
- entered daycare
- from mastering the art of walking to running full speed
- jumping on two feet
- saying your ABCs
- counting to 10
- feeding yourself with silverware
- eating what we eat, as opposed to having a special kiddo meal prepared
- developing thoughts on your own
- first haircut AND first lollipop
 - actively engaging in the ‘unwrapping’ of gifts process
     o promptly stopping after each bit is ripped to throw it away
     o not really concerned if the gift being unwrapped is for you
- Daddy introducing you to Diet Pepsi
     o and your subsequent learning of the word “Pop”
     o and your strong desire to enjoy some of your own
- saying the ‘Magic Words’ consistently
- entering the terrible 2’s
     o showing your independence
           strong Yes & No
           melting down when the Yes & No answers are not addressed properly
     o demonstrating how to cry on demand
- Favorite character was Elmo, until just after Christmas when Barney became the central attention grabber

Mr. M & I have had a blast & look forward to enjoying the next 100 years with you.

*note* The official height, weight, etc will be posted next Monday after his 2 year check-up with Dr. Trevor

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post! I remember you sharing your birth story with us... you were the first person to deliver after I got PG, and I remember paying particularly attention to your C-section! I enjoyed reading the milestones, too; so much he's accomplished! You must be one proud mama. ALL of you, enjoy this special day!

    Confessions From A Working Mom
