Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spring Break... well for the little man anyway....

I'm a working mom... When I say working, I mean I work out of the home. For the entire first year, my job generously allowed me to work two days a week, and an additional day at home (total 32 hours). So Daddy stayed with you on Tuesday's and Grandma came to stay with you on Thursday's. I loved this bonding time you had with them, even if I was hating the idea of working at all....

Sadly the late 2008 recession hit and affected our household twofold... First, Mr. M's in a commission based economy so he felt it, then my boss told me she really needed for me to come back full-time (or at least 4/10's) to help meet the additional reporting needs of the economic climate. This totally changed our life....

Thankfully, I was able to push this change off till you turned 1, so I could put you in the daycare I wanted... But that is for another blog....

The reason I'm telling you this is because, by being in daycare - you had your very first Spring Break....

I was able to stay home with you for a day, Daddy took a day, and Grandma took the second and fourth day. Since you were running a fever, we kept you low keyed and chilled out to start the week...

So on Thursday (the fourth day), when you got to Grandma's and the weather was warming to 60 degrees, you both were itching to get out and play...

and play you did.... Although, I'm not sure who had more fun... You or Grandma...

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