Monday, September 28, 2009

not MY child - Monday!

In following my "not ME Monday", I'm sharing some "not MY child" this week....

It wasn't MY child who caused daycare to do construction modifications, only to figure out how to open the gate within a week. Nope... Not MY child.

And it wasn't MY child who has taken to removing his diaper and taking it to his daycare provider Angie & say "done". Nope! My child has been taught better than to run around like a free bird in public...

Last, it couldn't be MY child who sat on the toilet (introducing potty training) without doing anything - then fussed to get off. Only to get in the tub, put a HUGE smile on his face & say "AHHHH!!!", as he peed a nice stream into the tub. No, MY child has been better trained than that...

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