Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11th...

I'd just like to take a moment to remember those who perished on 9.11.2001, and their families and friends.

While I did not suffer any personal direct loss that day, my heart still grieves for those who did.

The terrorist bombings was the first time in my life that I encountered an event that every single moment and detail sticks with me. 

Getting engaged, married, even the birth of my son had so many more emotions going, as it was so directly hitting me, that I miss great pieces of those so very important days.

But 9.11 is a day that will probably never leave my mind, as it was my first real understanding that the United States could be attacked. 

Please take a moment to join me in prayer for those who lost so much on that day, and for the safety of our Men & Women Serving in Uniform to Defend Our Safety & Freedoms.

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