Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dancing to his own toon!

On Saturday, I had a bit of a meltdown.  Working full-time plus, in addition to being primary care taker of our home & child is a lot of work.  Our dog is due for her shots, tags need to be purchased by the end of March, J has his activities, etc...

Life is busy.  Life is fun, but busy.

Mr. M decided I derserved a shower & few minutes by myself to fold laundry, put it away, and did I mention shower.  Sigh.  It was delightful. 

The two boys hit the grocery store & I got a chance to breathe.

J was on fire about it.  He LOVES his guys outings.  He gets to dress in miss matching sports gear.  He gets to wear his crocs with socks.  He gets to just be silly without Mommy constantly insisting he "listen & follow directions" so we can go faster.

He also gets to score junk with daddy that mommy would never permit.

All in all, it was a win.

Except for that candy. 

J was so excited, that on his way out the door he was dancing.  Mixing up lyrics from "Leave it all to Me" and "Just Can't Get Enough".  He had me laughing.

He is just so much fun.

Just dancing to his own tune...

Love him so much it hurts some days!

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