Friday, October 30, 2009

the working mom's walk of shame

I hate doing the walk of shame in the morning.

No, I am not talking about that walk of shame...

I'm talking of the working mom's walk of shame.

The one where you sneak around your house trying not to wake the baby. Or worse, when the baby is up & crying - you're having to walk away knowing that either your husband will get to him, he'll go back to sleep, or worse case, you've checked on him - know he has a dry diaper, is not sick, and has water + movie (in our house Elmo) to entertain him. All while you are headed towards the shower so you can try to be somewhat on time for work.

10 minute rule applies here, right?

This is the one that causes you to stop & time your child's outburst for duration & intensity much like I imagine I would have timed my contractions, had I had any. Spending precious morning pre-work minutes trying to decide, do you wake your husband or don't you? Can I grab that shower and know he is unhappy, but okay?

And then, in that last possible millisecond before you have to leave, you turn the monitor back on - putting it in said child's hands on whether Daddy gets an early wake-up.

With that, you race for the door, on your tip toes of course, so your heels clicking on the hardwood do not increase the volume or intensity of the outburst... You zip down your driveway without your lights on because you are afraid the lights shining in his bedroom will set him off...

And you race to work, feeling guilty for having left your upset child without having his needs met... Feeling guilty because you are officially going to be late to work... Feeling guilty because your husband will have to get up and tend to said child much earlier than he planned... And mostly, just wondering if you are failing your son because you choose work over him.

Choose, that is, being an arrow of guilt straight into your heart, as it's not like really have a choice. You are a working mom. Doing what you do because it is what is best for your family in the big picture.

Yep, I hate mornings like these...

Today, however, I'm thankful that it is Friday - so I will be able to revel in meeting (or at least doing my very best to) his every need... And some he doesn't he know about - like, say... putting him on the potty first thing. And later, we will be attending a costume party, or two, so instead of being entertained by Elmo, he will be Elmo.

Yep, I live for days like these...

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