Monday, November 2, 2009

not ME - Monday!

Welcome to MckMama's blog train of "Not Me! Monday's"....

Are you feeling guilty about anything? Or did you have any embarrassing event happen that left you hoping no one witnessed it? Or witness your spouse, child, dog... do something that horrifies you in "how did that just happen" sort of way?

If the answer is yes, then listen to Mama - MckMama that is!

Write about what did not happen in your house in your blog, use her MckLinkey to link up your blog entry. What, you don't have a blog - that's okay... We'd still love to read your "not" happenings in her comment section.

*Please Note* Due to Stellan's recent bout of SVT, I'm not sure MckMama will be doing her normal Monday blog... Regardless, I wanted to post mine in the "spirit" of her Not Me! Monday's!

I did not witness my husband offering our 20 month old a 'sip' or 10 of his Diet Pepsi. Nope! Not My Husband! He'd NEVER do something so asinine. And if he were to have done this, I would not leave the room silently horrified thinking, "Pick your battles, Ali... Pick your battles..." Nope! Not Me! This would not be a new thing for me, as I always bite my tongue.

Just ask my husband... As he would not laugh in your face for saying such a thing....

I did not serve my son waffles for breakfast, knowing he would be covered in syrup needing a shower (in addition to the prior evenings bath) before we head out in public, simply so I could make my Almond Flour pancakes from scratch for me. Nope! Not Me! I'd never create more work for myself...

And if I did, I would not then give him my empty Diet Pepsi bottle to play with while I logged on to check my work email before heading in to my day off of work. I'd never do that! Nope! Not Me!

My husband did not bring our son, who is 20 months, into our bed even though he has never co-slept with us all night before. If he did, I would not say that is the best night sleep I've had since J was moved to his crib from the pack-n-play bassinet. This would not inspire me to try to co-sleep J on my own while DH was out of town that week. Nope! Not Me! I'd never want to chance breaking such strong good habits I instituted when J was born. If I did, that would just show poor judgement on my part. And I never make poor decisions.
I would not then pay for allowing J to co-sleep with me, by spending the next two nights on his floor as I transitioned him back to his crib. DH would not suggest I blow up the air mattress. I would not glare at him in response. Nope! Not me! I never give dirty looks.
On a more serious note, I would not spend so much time praying for a child I've never met (read: Stellan) that I thought this week would be a great opportunity to introduce J to prayer. J would not react to said prayer in such a joking manner. Nope! Not my child! He definitely did not decide our prayer time was the perfect time to try out his bed as a trampoline.
And with that... We do not get to start a whole new week... :)

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