Thursday, November 5, 2009

His first Shiner

Yes… You read that right… J has his first shiner. And the funny part is, I wish I could tell you he got it in some manly way, but the simple fact is…

He didn’t.

He got it thanks to an older woman named Addi.

(Okay, so she is only 6 months older, but that is a minor detail)

J was playing with his very manly truck. Miss Addi decided she wanted it. So she came over to him to take it. My son has not learned the art of sharing yet, so he grabbed it back.

A struggle ensued.

Miss Angie, the DCP*, directed Miss Addi to let go, as Jacob was playing with that first.  (Yes, my son is one of her favorites) Miss Addi did. The car conked J right on the side his left eye with the full force of his pull to keep his car.

*Daycare Provider

Okay, so now that I have the picture uploaded, it doesn't look sooo bad... But if you enlarge it & look to the left side of his left eye, you will see purple.  Yes, that's what I'm calling his first shiner.

And when he is old enough to know that I blogged about this, I'm eagerly looking forward to the blush he will wear when I tease him of how he got his first one courtsey of a GIRL.

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