Monday, October 12, 2009

not ME - Monday!

In following McKmama's lead, I'm jumping on the "not me" bandwagon today...

It wasn't me who did a big time silly potty dance when my child pooped in the toilet this week. And I certainly did not call everyone to brag, nor did I blog about it, nor would I post it on Facebook. Nope... "not me" I'm way more refined than to post such private business so publicly. Regardless of how proud I was of my little boy.

And it wasn't me who bribed my child with Gerber Yogurt Melts to not meltdown (pun intended) during his flu shot. And I most certainly did not follow up this first bribe with a McDonald's Happy Meal, because I know how important getting his veggies are - of which french fries don't qualify. Then top this off, it wasn't me who then threw away said french fries because I wanted J to focus on the McNuggets. Nope... Not Me! I'd never be that mean or wasteful with food.

And the rainy morning after said child's flu shot, I'd never feed him a Popsicle for breakfast.

Nope... Wasn't me...

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