Welcome to MckMama's blog train of "Not Me! Monday's"....
Are you feeling guilty about anything? Or did you have any embarrassing event happen that left you hoping no one witnessed it? Or witness your spouse, child, dog... do something that horrifies you in "how did that just happen" sort of way?
If the answer is yes, then listen to Mama - MckMama that is!
"Well don't be! Not Me! Monday was born out of my desire to admit some of my imperfections and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!"
Write about what did not happen in your house in your blog, use her MckLinkey to link up your blog entry. What, you don't have a blog - that's okay... We'd still love to read your "not" happenings in her comment section.
Mr M. did not make me a single mom this weekend (okay, just Sunday). Nope! Not My Husband! He'd never do a thing like that... Never... He always ranks me higher than Bruce (Springsteen, that is) in his hierarchy of what is important in his life.
This would not happen in the same weekend that I find out J has not 1, but 2 ear infections. These ear infections would not have been brought to my attention simply by listening to my Mother's Gut phenomenon, as I'm always on top of these types of things... His Dr would not then tell me to start bringing him in when he stops sleeping through the night AND running a low grade fever, as those are his only sign's he's sick.
I did not book a trip for me & J to go visit my parents in FL. Nope! Not Me! I'd never plan a trip without Mr. M. I would not be so excited about this trip that I bought J clothes for it over the weekend, having already washed AND packed said clothes.
While shopping, I did not walk into the Stride Rite store to get J's feet measured, with zero intention of buying shoes. My son's feet did not measure larger than the size 7 shoes he was wearing. Oops! This did not send me into a shoe shopping spree. J does not now have a new pair of Nike's, a pair of loafers, AND a pair of boots all in size 8.
And I did not lament on how all of his too small shoes were brand new in August, being big on him then...
Lastly, I'm not soooo excited to share the Christmas season with my son this year, that I've bought Holiday DVDs, and boat loads of books (from Frosty to Why we celebrate Christmas? The story of Jesus) to read to him in place of his normal nightly books.
Oh... 1 more... I'm not so thankful that I don't have any real confessions this week, that I'm smiling as I type this.... Nope! Not Me! I'd never be grateful for the small things in life...
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