Yep... That's right... On Tuesday night, Mr. M said, in response to my comment on my B friend's 6 month old daughter finally recovering from the Swine Flu, "Wow! Thank God (knocking on our wood cabinets) J has been healthy. We are so lucky!"
Um, you didn't just say that right? Wouldn't that be the exact type language you would tell me just set us up for a 'jinx'?
Yep.... And Yes, it is true. J is sitting at 102.6 degree fever last night. Only wanting to be held by mommy. Sleep, not really in his list of wants or needs. So we spent a lot of time watching Elmo & Comcast OnDemand Baby Boost DVD (Thank you Liz! Best Birthday present ever!) Most of all snuggling.
Thankfully, his snot is clear, while very runny, and his fever was down so I'm hoping this is just teething, but regardless, he gets a day of Grandma M loving to help get him back to full strength before he does his overnight there on Sunday so Daddy can go see Bruce in Milwaukee, and Mommy can work. Joy! Joy!
Okay, so Mr. M is going to work on Monday too, just staying Northside to do it...
(I get more pity ignoring this detail though, don't I?)
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