For J's first homework project, we were asked to have the kids attach pictures (self & from magazines), stickers, artwork, etc - that reflect the child's personality.
The teacher's sent home an outline of each child as the backdrop.
Wow was this fun! I gathered a bunch of pictures, artwork J had completed, and stickers into a pile. I had ideas for a couple of gaps, so Miss Cheryl worked with J on filling those gaps - particularly the Jack-O-Laturn on the bottom... J did one last fall and was so proud of it... I'm not sure where it has disappeared to at this point, but I knew it was a must for this project.
J totally agreed.
Then with J driving, we selected, we placed, we cut, we glued, and finally we wrote captions.
I only edited a few captions. Like those proclaiming his love of tattoos. I rephrased it, but did not write it down until he was in agreement with what I was writing.
He did crack me up, as he was great about listening to ideas or tips for how to more easily get the project completed, but was very possessive about doing it himself.
He very clearly stated "This is MY homework Mommy".
Alrighty then... I think he did a pretty great job!
Good for him, it's fine that you guided him, but it's always easy to see whose projects were done by the kids and those who were done by parents!