Prior to the Holiday break, sleep had gotten pretty out of control in our home. I don't know if it was my going back to work 5 days, working longer days, or what...
But the wheels fell off that bus.
Honestly, for the most part, Matt & I enjoyed this. We appreciated the snuggle time we were stealing with our little boy. How quickly he turned 3 & now we were looking towards 4.
Mr. Matt, however, did have a strong desire to get his bed back. While he loved the snuggles, he was not so fond of Mommy's issuances of death looks over turning the bedroom light on after 8:30, or even worse - having the desire to do anything but sleep. Books - Nope. TV or Movie - Not on your life. And if you get your iPad out, I just might break it.
Yeah, that didn't work so well.
Mr. M's solution was to start talking to J about how being 4 is such a *big boy* age. I would roll my eyes, and just settle into sleep.
In the mean time, Miss Cheryl tackled the fun job of putting J to sleep on his own during mommy's late nights at work. Never easy or fun, the process got easier over time. I think October's business plan season offered up consistency that allowed her to succeed at this task.
On Monday, J informed Miss Cheryl that when he was 4, he would start sleeping in his big boy bed all on his own every night.
Well, alrighty then...
And I must say, he's working on it...
We have had no fight, no fuss, no muss... He has gone off to sleep in his own bed as early as 7:30, as late as 8:20 every night this week.
I still wake up to this little snuggler, but progress has been made.
And I for one, am not pushing for the last part just yet.
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