Saturday, September 17, 2011

more pictures from Pirate's Cove

The day we visited was Super Hero day, complete with all the local Super Hero's.  J was not so impressed by them, staying pretty close to both Grandma & me.
But quickly recovered when given the chance to climb like a monkey (or a spider in a web)
Note the Band-Aids on his leg, yes, those would be from falling down the stairs at his new school during summer camp before school started in a rush to get out to play.

He was so happy to lead the trains around the track!
Even got the hang of it pretty quick & was off all on his own.  Much like Thomas, he forgot he was carrying his load.  :)
We ended the day with an easy ride on the ponies.

Okay, so maybe we ended it with Chili's, where he surprised Grandma with his ability to pack away so many single dip chips & salsa & still eat his "hotdog on a stick with pineapple, please"

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day!! And a hotdog on a stick with pineapple? Ummmm... yum?!? Ha!
