Monday, June 27, 2011

May 25th, 2003

This is another catchup... I have new pictures, but I need to download them from my camera... :)

We have had a busy couple of weeks, and as a result this past weekend J just wanted to be home after being an awesome road tripper with me.  He was so excited to hold his new little cousin.  He even made a real effort to be gentle.  Best of all, he did not show any concern over the time I spent hold little Caleb. 

That said, after seeing Grandma & Grandpa P to get all kinds of love after hanging out at Uncle Jeff & Aunt Kristi's all day, J just wanted to come home.  I do have to say, that considering how hard I pushed him (as we didn't come home until Sunday morning), he did awesome.  He had a couple of meltdowns, but nothing serious or destructive.  Between the 3 of us, we were able to redirect and refocus him back to smiles.

And we came home Sunday morning to a wonderful husband and Daddy. 

Seriously, he had finished J's laundry that I had lost track of in the washer as I was getting us ready for the trip this weekend, and hand washed all the new plastic glasses I'd found.  Plus he had the pool ready for us to swim in...

On May 25th, 2003, Mr. M & I married surrounded by family & friends.  We knew then that life was not always easy or fair, but little did we know the trials or tribulations that would come our way over the next 8 years.  Nor could we conceive the joys we'd be blessed with over that same time.

The Sunday before our anniversary, Mr. M was in Vegas for a business meeting to understand how the Tsunami would affect dealer inventory levels.  J & I had a birthday party for one of his friends, and we were meeting with the prospective (now hired) nanny, Cheryl right afterwards.  Let's just say, Mr. M's surprise for me on the porch was a nice welcome for Cheryl as well.  

A small reminder to remember to pause to remember the blessed moments of "I do" that have lead us through it all and keep us strong.

J was too cute because he kept telling me how he & daddy bought these for me at that the "Grocery" store, because everything you need is found either at the grocery store or Home Depot.   

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